Become a Volunteer

Be the change! It’s up to individuals like yourself to make a change in our society. Everyone has something to offer and we sincerely appreciate the support our volunteers have provide and their care for both our organization and our cause.

With your help, ETCB can be one step closer to a social networking world ultimately devoid of cyber-bullying! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please email us at

If you are interested in taking a stand against cyber bullying, please fill out the volunteer application form below.

Thank you for your support!

Get in Touch. Get Involved.

ETCB is a rapidly expanding organization, and as such we welcome questions about the company and most importantly, about cyber bullying. Whether you are personally being cyberbullied or you know someone who is being cyberbullied, please feel free to contact us in the form below and we will be sure to provide further assistance. Also, if you are in need of any further information about our organization, such as how can you participate or how can you make a difference, leave a message below and ETCB will respond as soon as possible.

60 W 38th St, Floor 2 New York, NY 10018

1-772-202-ETCB (3822)